17 Youth and 5 adults traveled to New Orleans July 14-21, 2024 for the (usually triennial) Youth Gathering. Please check out our Facebook page for more photos!
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it -Proverbs 22:6
Our Savior’s offers several activities for children from birth to 6th grade. Check the newsletter or look for mailings for other activities for this age group.
SUNDAY SCHOOL (3 year olds through 6th grade)
Sunday School meets from September through the middle of May. Classes meet at following worship in the chapel (2nd floor of our education wing) for music and then split into age groups for their class time. Shepherds then take them to the classrooms for the learning activities. Students sing in worship several times throughout the school year.
Registration for 2021-22 School Year Sunday School will be on Rally Sunday on Sept. 12th. We will meet in-person this year and we are very excited! Please call the church office (269-8824) or Lisa Schultz our Christian Education Director (320-841-0363) for more information on registering your child for Sunday School or if you are interested in leading an activity or serving as a shepherd.
In the baptismal promise at their child’s baptism, parents commit to placing the Holy Scripture in the hands of their children. The congregation commits to supporting each family. Thanks to the generous donations of our Bible Buddies, we are able to give Bible to children at three stages in their lives – preschool, 3rd grade, and 7th grade. Each Bible is age appropriate. Please call the church office if you are interested in being a Bible Buddy.
Preschoolers love the soothing sound of rhyme! Now they can enjoy thirty-five delightful, classic Bible stories from the Rhyme Bible Storybook. This read-aloud storybook goes from the story of creation to the resurrection of Jesus. This is the perfect choice for parents who want to introduce their children to the Word of God.
Third graders are ready for adventure. They embark on a fun, exciting journey through God’s Word with the NIV Adventure Bible—in full color throughout! Along the way you’ll meet all types of people, see all sorts of places, and learn all kinds of things about the Bible. Most importantly you’ll grow closer in your relationship with God.
Seventh Graders are ready to begin Confirmation instruction. Lutheran Study Bible uses study notes to hear God’s Word as it was encountered by people in the Bible as well as how it encounters us today using a Lutheran perspective. This NRSV translation is reader-friendly, inviting, and engaging. It uses history, culture and geography to explore particular passages.
CHRIST’S KIDS (Kindergarten – 4th Grade)
Christ’s Kids is an after school learning experience on the first Wednesday of the month from October through May. Parents may bring their students to church right after school or the student can ride bus #66 from the Middle School to Our Savior’s. Parents can pick up their students at 5:00 p.m. Our month notifications are sent through REMIND, contact Quentin at (320)-269-8824 to get signed up for those
We begin with a healthy snack. The rest of our time includes a Bible lesson and fun activities that support that lesson. This is not meant to replace Sunday School, but rather to provide an additional learning opportunity. Parents are encouraged to sign-up to help one Wednesday afternoon.
If the first Wednesday of the month is an early out from school we will have Super Wednesday. Students can still take the bus to Our Savior’s and we will have additional activities until 5:00 p.m. This may be a field trip, a movie, or a service project.
Any child K – 4th grade is welcome no matter what church they are a member of.
During the summer Our Savior’s holds a week-long Vacation Bible School from Sunday through Thursday. We begin with a light supper and then continue with singing, storytelling, arts and crafts, and games. We finish the evening with a large group review of the lesson. Thursday evening concludes our week with a program for parents and other community members.
Fifth graders and their parents are invited to learn about communion through a retreat offered at Green Lake Bible Camp. Students will have the opportunity to bake bread which will be used on Palm Sunday at their first communion, make chalices used for their first communion, play games, hang out with crazy counselors, and learn about this sacrament. Look for a letter this spring for registration.
7th through 9th Grade Students will be asked to help acolyte on Sunday Mornings. They have so much enthusiasm to help in the Church and this would help the program out a lot. Once ninth graders are confirmed they are not expected to acolyte. This places a huge amount of work on the seventh graders to acolyte during the month of May and all through the summer months. Your child will receive a note letting you know when we will hold acolyte training.
Summer Sr. Lites During the summer months (June, July, & August) the Summer Sr. Lites meet to go on one day trip per month. These have included tours of area cities, tours of the State Capitol building, and the last was a tour of a dairy farm. As of summer 2021, we have resumed our activities together. In July and August we did catered meals from our friends at Cenex in Montevideo. Check back soon for more information on our September kick-off event.
Sr. Lites
During the school year months (October-May) Sr. Lites meet every second Monday at 12pm for a Potluck meal in Bethany Hall followed by a program planned by the Senior Advisory Board. Past programs have included meeting local community leaders like Sheriff Derek Olson and Pharmacist Carol Arends, while others have included musical activities and Bingo. Fore more information please call Pastor Marie at the church office at 320-269-8824.
Celebration of the Years
A person’s age is something impressive, it sums up their life: maturity reached slowly and against many obstacles, illnesses cured, grief and despairs overcome, and unconscious risks taken; maturity formed through so many desires, hopes, regrets, forgotten things, loves. A person’s age represents a fine cargo of experiences and memories. The 2019 Celebration of the Years will include pictures of Our Savior’s through the years as we celebrate 140 years this year as a congregation. The date is Sunday October 6, 2019.
Available Services for Seniors
Senior Advisory Board – New members welcome
Annual Celebration of the Years Sunday
Blessing of the New Home Services
Senior Visitation
Summer Senior Lites (over 55) day trip group
Senior Lites (55+) afternoon fellowship group
Parish Nurse Ministry – if interested, please call Pastor Don at 269-8824
Senior Communion and Dinner – 2 Times a year at Our Savior’s
We Can Help!
We can help you plan your funeral. We know you might not want to think about doing this, but you can pick your own hymns, scripture verses and the rest. We have a form for you to use. Talk to any of the Pastors or our Parish Nurse for further information. Why leave all the details to your loved ones when you can plan ahead? It will give you peace of mind in knowing this has been done.
Links for Seniors
Nursing Home Abuse Center – Your Nursing Home Abuse Resource
Fun and Information for Seniors
Hymn Site – Christian online Music
Lutheran Hymnal
ELCA Synod Support
Dollars given support SW MN Synod and our national denomination.
To see how your dollars are used click here
Council Directed Missions
This is non-ELCA support, given locally or nationally, as decided by the church council at their monthly meeting. The council gives $1,000 each month to a group or organization that is non-ELCA and has 501(c)(3) status. If you have an organization in mind that a donation like this could help, please see Pastor Don or a church council member.
Missionary Support
Rev. Andrew and Meredith Ronnevik, working in Papua, New Guinea.
Green Lake Bible Camp
These dollars are given to support the camping ministry of Green Lake. We are most affected in the summer time when our youth take advantage of summer Bible camp. Funds given also allow us to send children to camp on scholarship who might not otherwise be able to attend because of financial constraints. Our annual Wednesday Lenten suppers are the main fundraiser for this opportunity.
Lac Qui Parle Conference and Local Ministerium
These dollars support the work of the local and conference churches. We work together as partners in proclaiming the Gospel.
ELCA Fund for Leaders in Mission
The vision of the Fund for Leaders is to provide support to all qualified students preparing for ordained or rostered lay ministry through one of the eight ELCA seminaries.
Local Missions we Support
St. Martin’s Fund
This is a local fund for people in need. This fund is administered by Prairie 5our emergency fund for Montevideo.
Food Baskets and Seasonal Outreach
Gifts to this fund provided food to over 100 people in the past year.
Food baskets are provided at Thanksgiving, Easter and Christmas.
Meals on Wheels
Rice Home Hospice
Let’s Go Fishing
Relay for Life
Chippewa County Reach Our for Warmth
Safe Avenues Women’s Shelter
Special Olympics
Local Food Shelf
Prison Ministry
Other opportunities to give:
Lutheran World Relief
With the lowest overhead of all relief organizations, a gift to Lutheran World Relied is money well spent. Spanning across the globe, relief work is their specialty.
To learn more click here
Lutheran Social Services
A gift to Lutheran Social Services will be used for helping those in need. These needs include: counseling services, assisted living, Meals on Wheels and disability services to name a few.
To learn more click here
ELCA World Hunger
What more needs to be said? These dollars are used to feed the hungry both here and abroad. Can you imagine going to be hungry at night?
South Africa Student Scholarship
Our Conference supports 16 young people so they can attend high school. Without our help, they would be stuck in the circle of poverty. 100% of your gifts are used to help kids!
Ways to participate in and support our Worship
“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar…he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.” Luke 8:16
Discover all the wonderful ways you can find to deepen your ministry through participation.
Altar Guild
The purpose of the Altar Guild is to keep the sanctuary clean and prepare the Lord’s Table for Holy Communion. They take care of vestments; wine, wafers, and altar linens. The candles and flowers are also the responsibility of the Altar Guild. In addition, they prepare the sanctuary for baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Please contact Janice Olsen at 269-8423, if you would like to serve on the Altar Guild. New members are needed!
The worship service requires the participation and assistance of many people. This includes acolytes. Traditionally the youth who assist at OSLC are in the 6th grade or above. However, anyone child of communing age can join this ministry.
Acolytes assist during worship by lighting the sanctuary candles prior to the service, extinguishing them following worship, and assisting during during the communion service. If you would like to be an acolyte, please contact one of the Pastors at 269-8824. You will receive full training in being an acolyte before participating.
Looking for a ministry that will bring you closer to the Word and a greater appreciation and understanding of the worship service? Ask about becoming a lay scripture reader for any service you prefer. Scheduling is flexible. If you can serve as a lector for one Sunday, or on a continuing basis, please contact one of the Pastors at 269-8824.
Greeters and Ushers
Here at Our Savior’s we want to make sure the first face you see has a smile on it! Whether you are here for Sunday School, fellowship or worship, a greeter will be nearby to welcome you to our church. Please contact the church office if you or you and your family would like to be a greeter/usher.
Sound System/Video Technician/Radio Broadcaster
Manning the technical portion of our worship ministry is an important role of the sound system technician. Filling those roles are several very dedicated and capable sound system technicians. Not only are they responsible for making sure that all portions of the worship service are heard and seen by all, but they are also responsible for setting up all sound and video equipment for worship, and recording the services.
The radio broadcaster is responsible for broadcasting worship so that our home-bound members or shut-ins can stay in touch with our ministry.
The sound/video team is in dire need for more ears and voices! If you are interested in how you might help out, please contact Pastor Don at 269-8824.
**Please arrive 30 before the service. If you are unable to acolyte you are responsible for finding your own replacement. Schedule will continue to update as days are filled.
Acolyte Training Instructions click here.
If you can fill in where indicated, please contact Sue at 269-8824 or suewinter@oslcmonte.net or email Pastor Don at pastordonm@oslcmonte.net
Thank you!
Our Savior’s Confirmation Program.
Confirmation at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church begins in the fall of the 7th grade year. After three years of course work the students confirm their faith in the spring of their 9th grade year. Throughout their three years of study, students will focus on the Bible, the 10 Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Apostle’s Creed, memory assignments and so much more!
Information for the 2024-2025 School Year will be mailed out before Rally Sunday. Please stay tuned and watch your mailbox.
1 TIMOTHY 4:12 (NIV)
Youth Group
Our Savior’s sponsors youth events on a monthly basis during the school year. Popular events of the past two years included a Paintball + Service Project, multiple ski trips to Andes Tower Hills in Kensington, MN, and game nights here at the church.
17 Youth and 5 adults traveled to New Orleans July 14-21, 2024 for the (usually triennial) Youth Gathering. Please check out our Facebook page for more photos!
Membership and Ways to Participate in our congregation !!!
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church is a large and diverse congregation, with many opportunities for you. We offer activities for all ages and a chance for your entire family to grow in faith, hope and love.
Regardless of you membership status, you are always welcome to join us for worship and we would love to see your family participate in Sunday school.
We worship Sunday Mornings – 9:00 with Sunday school, adult education and coffee fellowship starting at 10:00 a.m. During the summer our worship time is at 9:00 a.m. with coffee fellowship at 10:00 a.m.
Your gifts are needed here at Our Savior’s and we want you to join our community of faith as we walk with God.
How can your talents and gifts bless others?
How can we thank God for all he has given us? By returning some of our gifts back to God… TIME is really just the gift of life He has given us. We should return some of our time back to Him – in our thoughts and in our deeds. TALENT is a special gift He has given each of us – but we’re all different and have different talents. Let us make use of our particular talent as we serve God.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve on another, as good stewards
of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
New Member Orientation
New members were welcomed into the fellowship of Our Savior’s several times a year. Several families have already made their intentions for membership known to us, but if there are others who are interested, please contact any of the pastors. We will be having another class once we have those who would like to join Our Savior’s. Watch for exact date and time. Please contact us if you would like to learn more.
WORSHIP at Our Savior’s is a time of reverence and joy!
Other Opportunities
Children’s Education Ministry
Our greatest asset is our children. Here at Our Savior’s we strive to provide all the tools necessary to guide our children towards a life of Christ.
High School Ministry
God has a purpose for the youth of today. Our high school classes and programs bring a message of hope and challenge you that can be applied to the challenges of today and help prepare for their exciting life ahead.
Music Ministry
Music is an integral part of our Reaching ministry.
Family Ministry
Reaching out to families at Our Savior’s is a vital part of our ministry. We do this with a variety of programs, special events and by bringing in speakers and special programs that are of interest to the church and community.
Health Ministry
Health Ministry is the promotion of health, healing and wholeness as a mission of our faith community to its members and the community it serves.
Senior Ministry
Our Senior Ministry’s mission is the affirmation of older adults as persons of value. Our goal is to help older adults retain their independence and to guard their dignity. We are dedicated to serving the whole person. We feed the body, mind and spirit. We foster programs that encourage inter-generational relationships, linkages with peer groups, and linkages with the community support network.
Are you looking for prayer support or help in developing a prayer life? We are here to serve your needs. Click this link to send us a email note. PRAYER
To access Prayer Ventures please follow this link
For Monthly Devotions
Please click here
Why Give?
At Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, we believe that giving is faith-based; that is, we give to God willingly and generously as an expression of our growing faith in and love of God.
What is a generous giver?
A generous giver is one who learns to:
(1) experience the joy of giving,
(2) live and give with an eternal perspective,
(3) model the proverb, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,”
(4) recognize that God owns everything and
(5) offer gifts as an act of worship.
The Bible is full of examples of how to give as an act of thanksgiving to God for all you have.
Contact Information
Phone: (320) 269-8824
Email: oursaviors@oslcmonte.net
Address: 222 N. 5th St. Montevideo, MN 56265
Give Online with Tithely:
June-August Closed on Fridays